Mind F’d!

Mental health is a real mind f*ck. Literally.

You can be at rock bottom and merry. Or at the best place you’ve been in life and experience the lowest of moods!

I present to you - exhibit A! ME

I’m genuinely very happy, at a place in life where I’m the best I’ve ever been. Home, family, friends and career. The level of gratitude I feel is immense. And I’m excited about all that’s coming my way. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I’m happy.

But if that’s the case why have I spent the day under my comfort blanket with all the electronics off, random tears and despair and feeling as if the world is ending? EVEN though I am also fully aware that this is not really how I feel feel.. but what my mind is basically forcing upon me?

But see that’s the thing. Certain Mental health conditions do not discriminate!! They don’t care who you are, what your situation is, how much money you have, what where who or how! They are without reason, they do not follow a schedule and have NO MANNERS! 😒

No real reason for this post other than to say that if you can relate and are as confused and irritated as I am. I see you. And if you’re tying to make sense of it. Don’t waste your energy. Some things help yes. But it’s still gonna kick our arse as and when it pleases. It’s it’s own time and schedule with zero f’s given


Breaking Down Barriers: A Special Needs Parent's Journey to Advocacy


It’s ok to not be ok!